Interzone #298

Art by Martin Hanford

In this issue: stories by Saswati Chatterjee, Rachael Cupp, Mame Bougouma Diene, Ai Jiang, Joyce Meggett, Carlos Norcia, and Antony Paschos; columns by Alexander Glass, Nick Lowe, Val Nolan, and Aliya Whiteley; and book reviews by Alexander Glass, Kelly Jennings, Paul Kincaid, and Val Nolan. The cover art, We Have Known Bright Hillsides Redolent of Gorse, is by Martin Hanford.

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Interzone was founded in 1982 by David Pringle, John Clute, Alan Dorey, Malcolm Edwards, Colin Greenland, Graham Jones, Roz Kaveney, and Simon Ounsley. It was published by TTA Press and edited by Andy Cox from 2004 to 2022 and is now published by MYY Press and edited by Gareth Jelley.

IZ 298 // March 2024


Perpetual Motion Sickness12,620 words
Mame Bougouma Diene

Tangles2560 words
Rachael Cupp

Pray for the Ravaged Temples3740 words
Carlos Norcia

Where the Grass is Always Whiter2800 words
Ai Jiang

You Can Never Stock Up Enough Fans4900 words
Antony Paschos

In the Eye of the Giant1900 words
Saswati Chatterjee

We Have Known Bright Hillsides Redolent of Gorse3200 words
Joyce Meggett


Climbing Stories
Aliya Whiteley

Mutant Popcorn
Nick Lowe

The A to Z of Zelazny
Alexander Glass

Folded Spaces
Val Nolan

Book Reviews

Alexander Glass on a novel by Trip Galey; Kelly Jennings on books by Ann Leckie, A.G. Slatter, Giana Rashad, and Ray Nayler; Paul Kincaid on books by Tim Lebbon and Aliya Whiteley; and Val Nolan on a novel by Alastair Reynolds.


We Have Known Bright Hillsides Redolent of Gorse
Martin Hanford

You Can Never Stock Up Enough Fans
Martin Hanford